With Adams first day’s home, he adjusted well. Mommy and Daddy have tried to keep him on the same schedule he was on in the NICU with his feedings etc., in hopes that Adam would transition from his life there to home with few problems. He seems comfortable and Mommy and Daddy feel that Adam has adjusted well.
Adam had his first Pediatrician visit last week. He was given his two month vaccinations. Even though he was still in his gestational age (not quite 40 weeks as a full term baby), the doctor said studies have shown that a full term two month baby and a two month preemie both responded the same overall.
Adam did have some difficultly with one of the vaccines that was given orally. The nurse who gave the vaccine to Adam did not know of his problems (dropping his heart rate while eating). He stopped breathing for close to one minute and then his color came back. This was very scary, but isn’t something Suzie was unaware of. He did this a couple times in the hospital while eating. Although it was scary, Adam recovered and did fine. His temperature went up a little that night but the children’s Tylenol seemed to help him.
When Adam left the NICU, he weighed 5 pounds, 2 ounces. He weighed in this visit at 5 pounds, 8 ounces and 18 inches long. Routinely, Adam’s head was measured as well. His pediatrician wants him to come back this week to have his head measured again. There is a possibility he may need a shunt put in his head in the future. Soon he will visit the neo surgeons and they will make the final determination on that.
Adam has had some difficulty going to the bathroom. This is not all that uncommon for little babies; however, Adam developed a hernia (the walls of his stomach separate while straining). This causes his little intestines to poke thru causing his belly button to protrude out. His pediatrician said there is no need for concern now as long as his belly button will push back in while he is not straining. Most hernias will self resolve; however, if it doesn’t then surgery will need to be done, God forbid. However, he must be a lot older first anywhere between 1 and 2 years old.
Adam failed his left ear exam three times, but he is scheduled to go back this week. Also, he is scheduled to see an ophthalmologist. In addition, physical therapy will be starting soon for Adam. They will come to his home to work with him. We will post updates on these visits soon.
Adam has started to reach out a little to grab things. His doctor gave a list of things Adam should be doing this month. Typically preemies are slower with these. Just a few days ago Adam did something we think is wonderful. Suzie put red, white, and black material on his bouncy and his basinet. She got this idea from someone while Adam was still in the hospital. About two days ago, Adam started to reach out for the fabric. At first Suzie thought he was just moving his arms, but she continued to watch him and each time it was a controlled touch, he will rub it and try to grab it! The same day while she was feeding Adam, he reached up and touched her face, twice. :)
Mommy and Daddy are very happy for their little boy; this is another milestone that they were waiting for him to reach that early on was told he may not be able to.
Thanks God for everything.