Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Adam weighs 2.4 and a quarter pounds and is eating 19 cc's every three hours and is getting 30 calories per feeding. He is still underweight for his age, so hopefully those calories will help him gain weight. It takes little Adam about 30 minutes to eat his 19 cc's. He gets two vitamins a day through his feeding tube as well. Included in those vitamins is iron, which helps him grown stronger and also ensures he will not become anemic.

Along with vitamins twice a day, Adam is also getting antibiotics in his eyes because an eye infection keeps occurring. He is also getting caffeine twice daily to help increase Adam's energy level in order to keep the amount of apnea to a minimum.

Suzie says, "Adams PCU went to 37 and his white blood cells rose. A few factors can cause this. One his bilaribbon was coming back. Another lab was taken to double check the PCU. Blood needs to be drawn for this and Adam did cry a little bit, it broke my heart. The doctor was preparing to order another blood transfusion, but wanted to double check the previous lab. Adam cannot produce his blood right now on his own, if the previous lab was correct Adams apnea spells would increase more and they had increased and also his getting sick after eating would have increased more and they also had increased but not to the amount that was so worrisome to the Dr or for his PCU to go to 37. The results came back and tested negative for the bilibribbon, they look for the retic and his was 6.6 , this is good and his PCU dropped back to 27. It was determined he was dehydrated, which caused the PCU test to go to 37. There are always increased risks involved with a blood transfusion, so thank God this did not have to happen. Adam will be tested again next week and if God bless the results will be okay where the blood transfusion will not be needed."

The results for the Ultra Sound on Adams brain scan are in. There is a 2 cm cyst on the left side where the grade 4 bleed occurred. Considering the size of Adam's little brain, this cyst is quite large. This cyst cannot be removed - at least this is what his doctor is saying now. This cyst is not normal or abnormal, being a brain bleed like Adam had, a cyst does usually form. So this is not abnormal to have happened. However, the doctor explained, "this is a wait and see" so the abnormal is we do not know what damage God forbid might occur. Adam has significant scarring on both the right and left side of his brain at the location where his brain controls his muscles. A brain bleed such as Adam had the percentage of having significant disabilities such as cerebral palsy is common. As with any disability there are varying degrees from minor to severe. The doctor told us that Adam has his age on his side. Being he is still developing, his brain has not "trained" itself. So, if a brain signal tries to go to a part of the brain that has the scarring and it can not send the signal it will "reroute" and send the signal some where else in his little brain. Suzie corrected the doctor, "No, Adam has God first and then his age on his side. Whatever his Creator wills for him, his Mommy and Daddy are here for him every step of the way, if God wills for it to be."

Thank you for all the continuous prayers.

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