Monday, February 2, 2009


Hi everyone! Sorry that I've hardly been updating the blog. I haven't been going to see Adam because I've been sick. I'm finally starting to get over my cold but now my son is sick, so I'm not sure when this week I'll be able to go see little Adam. I miss him! :)

Suzie has been updating me with how he's doing and I've got some new updates.

Adam is now 2.2 pounds. He's eating well and is gaining some weight, which is great!

Adam had an eye exame and everything is developing like it should. His next exam will be in three weeks. Suzie wasn't able to hold Adam because the eye exam wore Adam out. What the doctor has to do is hold Adam's head straight and force his eyes to stay open. Then, eye drops go into his eye for the exam. Of course, Adam did not like it and was crying the whole time. But, this is just one of the exams he has to have done to make sure everything is progressing as it should.

Adam is still having some apnea spells where he stops breathing, but the nurses just rub his back and he's reminded to start breathing.

He is eating 18 cc's per feeding. Liquid vitamin is added once a day to one of his feedings.

Adams respiratory therapist had to switch out the tape on his face that helps hold his oxygen in place. So now, all he has is tape around his mouth so we can see those cute cheeks! :)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update! Molly had the apnea monitor when she came home. At first it seemed daunting, but it ended up giving us great peace of mind.
