As of 12/31/08, this is the newest update. The newest updates are on the top of the page while the oldest is on the very bottom. If you'd like to start from the beginning, scroll all the way down the page and work your way up from the bottom.
Prior to Adam's birth, Suzie was having contractions here and there. She had just thought she was cramping. They went to the hospital to find that Suzie's water had broke. Since Suzie was only at 26 weeks gestation, they tried everything to stop the labor. The doctors were injecting Suzie with steroids and other medicines; some was to stop the labor, while others were to allow Adam to get stronger. Because Adam had a while to go before everything was developed, the doctors wanted to keep Suzie on steroids and other medicines for a week and then planned to deliver Adam sometime during the first week of January. But, little man had another plan.
Suzie's contractions just kept coming on stronger and stronger. The doctor checked her and she was dilated to a 3 out of 10 and little Adam's foot was sticking out. The doctor had no choice but to deliver Adam via cesarean section immediately.
After the birth, Adam had to be taken to the NICU. Adam is in stable condition and Mom (Suzie) is pretty sore.
In the NICU, the doctors had to hook Adam up to a respirator to help him breath since he could not breath on his own.
More Updates Soon!
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