Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I've got great news on our little munchkin! He's met great milestones this week! Thanks be to GOD! :)

Adam is now 2 pounds!!! He's been eating very well and is managing to keep everything down. The extra calories that the nurses are putting in the milk have really helped in pack on the ounces!

In the last update, I told you about vapor therm and how this is used to help expand Adam's chest to help him breathe a little easier. He is now down to one liter of vapor therm.

A new ultra sound of Adam's brain is going to be tomorrow and the test results should be back by the end of the week.

Right now, Adam's incubator controls his body temperature because he cannot maintain that on his own just yet. However, Adam is just about ready to maintain his own body temperature! When that happens, the nurses will move to a new incubator that is not heat controlled.

Remember the picture of Adam's diaper that was smaller than a dollar bill? Well, Adam is about to move up in his diaper size because he is going to the bathroom a lot! hehe I think the nurses are going to have to use umbrellas when they want to change his diaper because he likes to go to the bathroom everywhere. :) hehe

Thank you all for your prayers! Please keep them coming!

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